Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (2024)

The (K) could be compared to a key. You can write this Hangul letter using three lines.

And the Hangul letter , which has a “T” sound, could be associated with teeth (like the ones in your mouth or the teeth of a fork). You can write this similar to the English letter “E.”


What’s that number? Pi! And the Korean letter with a similar sound to P looks very similar to the symbol for pi. That makes it easy to remember. If you know how to write pi, then you’re good to go with this letter of the Korean alphabet!

So there we have it. That’s how you learn Hangul!

But we said there were a total of 14 consonants in the Korean alphabet, so what are the last two Hangul letters?

One of the consonants is special because it doesn’t have a direct equivalent to an English letter. Instead, it represents a sound in English.

, the character representing the “ch” sound in English (“choose”), looks like a church with a steeple at the top. We can associate this Hangul letter with a church. Alternatively, we can remember it as an aspirated J () and add an extra line.

Ok, so that’s 13 letters already! You’re more than halfway there.

The last consonant in Korean is really just a placeholder and makes no sound by itself when placed in front of another character. Nonetheless, it is considered a consonant.

Just like in math, where we use the number 0 as a placeholder, in Korean, the placeholder character () is a round shape that looks like a zero.

It acts as a placeholder and is silent most of the time. After you learn the Hangul vowels in the next part of this challenge and see them next to the placeholder character, you’ll know what sound to make based on the vowel.

However, if the placeholder character ends a particular syllable, it is pronounced “ng” like the “-ing” in English.

This is a very important rule to remember. Without it, we would be tempted just to skip over the consonant, assuming it had no sound.

This will be easier to understand later, so it’s best to just make a note of it for now.

The Korean Vowels

In Korean, there are ten basic Hangul vowels that you need to learn. They are the basic building blocks from which you can create all other sounds of the vowels.

But before we get into that, it will be helpful to do a basic review of English grammar.

In English, we have short and long vowel sounds.

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (1)

All of these vowel sounds exist or can be made using Hangul letters except for the short I sound (this just doesn’t exist in Korean and so is very difficult for Koreans to pronounce).

The letters for the vowels are all pretty easy to learn. No complex shapes here, just good ol’ lines!

The first four Hangul vowels we’ll learn are horizontal or vertical lines with a perpendicular line in the middle facing in a particular direction. They look like this:

ㅗ ㅓ ㅜ ㅏ

The only problem is that we need to remember which way the perpendicular line points and associate that character with the particular Hangul vowel sound.

Let’s use a little bit of psychology to learn this part of the Korean alphabet.

First, memorize the following acronym:

Old iPod, new iPad

A little fun fact: did you know the first iPod came out in 2001?

That makes it old.

The iPad came out in 2010, making it comparatively new.

Easy right?

Now, listen carefully to the vowel sound in each word.

old. Long O sound.iPod. Short O sound.new. Long U sound.iPad. Short A sound.

Great! Let’s go back to the acronym. We’ve placed it on a timeline to represent when each gadget was released.

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Recite “Old iPod, new iPad” working counterclockwise around the circle.

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (2)

Good work!

Now, all we need to do is line up the Hangul vowel letters with the corresponding sounds.

The letter with the line pointing up is “old” and has the long O sound.

The letter pointing to the left has a short O sound like the O in “iPod,” while the letter pointing to the right has a short A sound like the A in “iPad.”

Finally, the letter pointing down has a long U sound like the e-w in “new.”

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (3)

Not too bad so far, right? Commit these vowels to memory, and let’s keep the momentum going!

Remember how we added an extra line to some of the consonants to change the sound and make it aspirated? Well, we can also add a line to the four vowels we just learned to create new sounds!

You may recall back to the beginning of this challenge when we explained how we couldn’t create a Y sound on its own. But we did say we could if we added a vowel sound after it!

Well, we can do just that when we add a line to each of the first four vowels. That way, we can simply learn four more of the vowels!

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The Hangul vowels we have learned so far are:old ipod new ipad“oh” “aw” “oo” “ah”

We can now create the following alphabet sounds by just adding a second line:

“yoh” “yaw” “yoo” “yah”

So, once you learn the first four vowels, the second four are really easy. All you need to do is double up the line and remember to add a Y sound in front.

Learn these characters and commit them to memory.

So, there are only ten Korean vowels, and we already know eight of them.

Luckily, we saved the easiest two for last. The last two Hangul vowels are just lines as well — one horizontal and the other vertical.

The hardest part is just remembering which of the Hangul letters makes which sound.

Luckily we’ve got some visual associations for that!

We love nature, and these two Hangul vowels do too.

The first one is the “tree vowel.” It is so-called (at least by us) because it’s tall and straight!

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (4)

Notice how the double e in “tree” creates the long E sound. The Korean character with the same sound () looks like a tree, making it easy to remember.

And the most picturesque landscapes are not complete without a brook. This next Hangul vowel is long and straight, just like a brook!

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (5)

Also, notice the sound of the double o in “brook” makes. This is the same sound the final Korean vowel makes. This vowel () is just a horizontal line.

Reading Korean Words

Just like English, you read Korean left to right, top to bottom.

However, the Hangul letters stick together, existing within small invisible “boxes.” Each one of these boxes can have up to four letters.

Each little “box” is considered a Korean syllable. You can also think of them as syllable blocks.

Instead of reading Hangul straight across as we do in English, we read one Korean syllable (or syllable block) at a time. Within each syllable, we read using the rule left to right, top to bottom. Then, we move to the next syllable block. That’s all there is to it!

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (6)

This is the Korean word for “hello.” It has 5 syllable blocks, and each syllable block has 2 or 3 letters.

In the first two-syllable blocks, there are two Hangul letters on the top and one on the bottom. Following our rule of left to right, top to bottom, we would read in the order 1, 2, 3, as shown above.

The same goes for the second syllable. But remember, the placeholder character here is ending the syllable, so it would have to be pronounced “ng.”

The third, fourth, and fifth syllable blocks are more straightforward and are just read simply from left to right.

So, going syllable block by syllable block, could you determine which order we would read the characters in? Give it a try!

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (7)

It would look like this if we wrote the numbers in. Now, if we use the associations we learned earlier, we can pronounce the word!

The word sounds like “an-nyeong-ha-se-yo” when you read it correctly.

If you’ve gotten the associations with the Hangul consonants and vowels down pat in the previous sections, you can start to read some Korean words on your own.

Let’s try it out. Give each one a try first, then check your answers below. Use the associations we made to help you out!

How would you pronounce the words written below? Try reading them aloud. We’ll write the pronunciations below using Romanization so you can check them afterward!

1. 카2. 너3. 바보

For the first two, we would just read left to right.

1. k for key + a as in iPad = ka. This is the Korean word meaning “car.”

2. n for northeast + eo as in iPod = neo. This means “you.”

Now, for the third one, we just read left to right for the first syllable, then top to bottom for the second syllable.

That would make it:

3. b for bed + a as in iPad plus b for bed + o as in old = babo. This is the Korean word for “fool.” If you can read these words already, you are definitely not a 바보!

Great work!

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Now, remember the placeholder character that doesn’t make any sound if placed in front of a vowel? It exists for a special reason!

Syllables (or “boxes”) must always start with a consonant, and then have a vowel following it.

Let’s do a quick recap of the Hangul consonants and vowels:

Hangul base consonants: ㅂㅈㄷㄱㅅㅁㄴㅇㄹㅎㅋㅌㅊㅍ

Hangul base vowels: ㅗㅓㅜㅏㅛㅕㅠㅑㅡㅣ

The is a consonant, so that means it can start a syllable. But remember that is silent when it does!

Let’s try reading some more difficult words, and we can practice this rule. If you get stuck, remember to ignore the placeholder if it exists before a vowel and just read top to bottom and left to right as you normally do!

Ready? Let’s go for Round 2! Look at the words written below. How would you pronounce the following?

4. 오늘5. 미국6. 커피

How did it go? Did you remember all of the Hangul letters from the associations we made before?

Let’s check.

4. Did you remember to ignore the placeholder? Good. For the first syllable, o as in old. Then n for northeast + eu as in brook + l for ladder. Romanized, it is written as oneul. 오늘 means “today.”

5. m for mail + i as in tree plus g for gun + u as in new + g for gun again. This word is written in romanized English as miguk, and is the Korean word for “U.S.A..”

6. k for key + eo as in iPod plus p for pi + i as in tree = keopi, the Korean word for “coffee.”

Congratulations! If you got these, then you are now able to read 6 Korean vocabulary words in Korean (and many more!).

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Korean Double Consonants

In the alphabet, strong double consonants also exist. They are called the Korean double consonants.

But the good news is that there is no need to learn any new characters to incorporate them into our skillset!

When you see a double consonant, all you need to do is slightly change the way you pronounce it by making it stronger.

We’ve already associated an English consonant sound with each of the characters we’ve already learned, so with these, we just need to double that up.

There are only five of these tense double consonants, and here they are:

The ㄸ is the double ㄷ, so we’ll keep the door association. The D sound will be pronounced stronger, like DD.

The ㅉ will use the same J sound as the ㅈ, but it will be pronounced as a stronger JJ.

We’ll use the strong GG sound for ㄲ, as well as the gun association.

If you put two ㅂs next to each other, you’ll get ㅃ. We will use the bed association. It will be pronounced using the strong BB sound.

The ㅆ is like two seashells next to each other. The sound is pronounced similarly to a strong SS.

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Korean Double Consonants Pronunciation

To pronounce double consonants correctly, all you need to do is tense up your tongue and pronounce the sound with a little more force. Just double it up!

For example, let’s take the double consonant ㅃ. For a moment, imagine a bus was coming quickly, and your friend was standing in the middle of the street.

You might yell “BUS” really loudly to give your friend a warning!

Thatbsound when youyellthe word would be more similar to thebbsound of the characterㅃ.

The same goes for the other tensedoubleconsonants.For example:

  • 떡볶이 (tteokbokki) – rice cakes in sauce (a type of Korean street food)
  • 간색 (ppalgansaek) – the color “red”

The tough part is making the pronunciation distinction. The twin consonant is basically the same as the single consonant, except it’s said with emphasis. Here is a list of the single consonant sounds, their twin counterparts, and their pronunciation:

Pronunciation of the Korean letters ㅅ and ㅆ

Above, we have gone over the Korean consonants and their double consonant counterpart, but it might be tricky to tell their difference at first.

Here’s a video that will teach you how to pronounce the Korean characters ㅅ and ㅆ to help you differentiate them easier.

If you were going to say the word “상” in Korean, then it would sound like “sang.”

If you were going to say the word “쌍” in Korean, then it would sound like “ssang.”

The difference is in the emphasis and the strength of the “s” sound. The twin consonants sound almost aggressive because they are so sharp.

Korean Vowel Combinations

If you followed the lesson above to learn Hangul, then you have learned the majority of the alphabet characters in Korean. You know the base consonants and vowels, which are the most important.

Hangul base consonants: ㅂㅈㄷㄱㅅㅁㄴㅇㄹㅎㅋㅌㅊㅍ

Hangul base vowels: ㅗㅓㅜㅏㅛㅕㅠㅑㅡㅣ

In addition to these Hangul letters, there are also 11 additional combinations. These are combinations of the base Hangul vowels you see above.

The Hangeul vowel combinations are:

The first Hangeul vowel is written as a combination ofㅓ(iPod) + ㅣ (tree) = ㅔ (egg). If you say the “o” sound from “iPod” and the “ee” sound from “tree” together very quickly, it becomes the “e” from egg.

The combined ㅓ+ㅣ doesn’t exactly sound like e, but they are similar. Alternatively, you can skip the sound blending and try to remember this one as “egg”. Whatever works best for you!

The second Hangeul vowel combination is written the same as the first, except that we’re starting with ㅏ instead of ㅓ. Blend together “iPad” and “tree,” and you get egg, the same sound as with ㅔ above.

Even though the pronunciation is the same, the romanization spelling is different. It is done that way, so if you see the spelling in English, you know which “egg” is used to spell the word in Korean.

How to differentiate the Korean letters ㅐand ㅔ

Before we head on to the rest of the Korean vowel combinations, you can watch the video below first for a more detailed explanation of the difference betweenㅐand ㅔ.

This next Hangeul vowel looks very similar to the ㅔ, except the first of the vowels is written as ㅕ. That means we’ll add the”y” sound to the beginning. This vowel combination sounds like the beginning of the word yes.

The first part of this Hangeul vowel combination can be seen as the character ㅑ (“ya” sound) with the characterㅣ (“ee” sound in tree) written after it. It also sounds like the beginning of yes.

The Hangeul vowel ㅢ has roots in the ㅡ + ㅣ, so it’s quite fun to say. It’s a unique sound, and you need to pronounce it quickly to get it right.

Blend together the sound ㅡ (brook) + ㅣ (tree), and you’ll get ㅢ (gooey). Imagine saying “chop suey” really fast.

For this Hangul vowel combination, the sound is “wa.” It is similar to the beginning of the word “waffle.” It is written as a combination of the two Korean alphabet letters ㅗ and ㅏ.

This Hangeul vowel combination makes the sound that sounds like the beginning of the word “wedding.” It is written by combining the two Korean alphabet letters ㅗ and ㅐ.

This Hangul vowel combination is pronounced the same as ㅙ, from above. It sounds like “wedding”. It is written by putting together the Korean alphabet letters ㅗ and ㅣ.

If you combine the two Korean alphabet letters ㅜ and ㅣ, then you get ㅟ. This Hangul vowel combination sounds like the beginning of the word “week”.

This combination of Hangul vowels makes a sound like the beginning of the word “won.” It is written by combining the Korean alphabet letters ㅜ and ㅓ.

When you combine the two Korean alphabet letters ㅜ + ㅔ, you get 웨. This Hangul vowel combination has a sound that is the same as the beginning of “wedding.”

The pronunciation of some of the Korean vowel combinations is exactly the same. These vowel combinations can be tricky because they don’t follow patterns that are as structured as the rest of the consonants and vowels.

We recommend coming up with associations that resonate well with you. You may also want to try our Hangeul Made Easy course, which is included in 90 Day Korean membership. Inside the members’ area, we have a full step-by-step course on Hangul, as well as a structured online Korean course that will teach you how to have a 3-minute conversation in the first 90 days.

Korean Alphabet Reading PDF Lesson

It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? You’re already well on your way toward learning the Korean Alphabet!

We wanted to make things super easy for you to print out and study, so we’ve created a downloadable Korean Alphabet Reading PDF lesson for you to continue the 90 Minute Challenge toward learning how to read in Korean. It also contains some written activities so you can practice what you’ve learned.

Get the free Hangul lesson here, and you’ll be reading Hangul everywhere you go!

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Names of the Korean Letters

Each one of the Korean Alphabet consonants and vowels has a name. We’ll cover the names of the Korean letters here in this chart of the alphabet letters so you can learn them easily.

Below is a list of the letter names of the Korean consonants.

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We’ve provided the English romanizations of the letters in the alphabet letter chart. However, they should only be used as a guide. Your pronunciation will be much more accurate if you learn the Hangul characters instead of relying on the romanized spelling.

The vowel names are the sounds they make. Below is the alphabet letter chart for vowels.

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The names of the Korean alphabet letters (Korean vowels and consonants) are really useful when you want to spell out words or if someone is explaining the spelling of a word. If you’re not sure of the spelling, ask for the syllables to be read slowly, one by one. If you’re not sure about the spelling of a syllable, say the characters in the syllable one by one and ask for confirmation.

How to Write in Korean

Now that you know how to read Korean, let’s talk about how to write in Korean. You can put to use what you already learned with the Hangul writing system.

First, we’ll talk about how to write Korean letters individually.

Then, once you have some practice with the letters by themselves, we’ll go more into learning to write Korean words and sentences.

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How to Write Korean Letters

Just like the English alphabet, the Hangul writing system also has a letter order (stroke order). While you can get by without it, taking the time to practice will help speed up your Korean writing abilities. It’s also helpful to learn to write the Korean Alphabet letters if you’re going to travel to or live in Korea.

For example, here is how to learn the stroke order for ㄱ:

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (8)

Try putting your skills to the test by writing Korean words that you hear in Hangeul. You can even practice writing your name in Hangeul by sounding it out!

How to Write Korean Syllables

If you want to get good at Korean writing, then you’ll need to know the syllable structure.

Each Korean syllable is made up of at least one consonant and one vowel. It’s possible to have multiple consonants as well. There will only be a single vowel, but that vowel may be one of the vowel combinations.

Korean syllable blocks can contain 2, 3, or 4 Korean letters. Here are the combinations:

  • 2 letter syllable blocks: Consonant-Vowel
    • example: 가
  • 3 letter syllable blocks: Consonant-Vowel-Consonant
    • example 갑
  • 4 letter syllable blocks: Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-consonant
    • example 값

Note that 3 and 4-letter syllable blocks have a final consonant or final consonants.

The vowel in the syllable block may be written to the right of, below, or to the right and below the initial consonant, depending on the vowels.

  • To the right of the initial consonant: ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅣ
    • example: 가
  • Under the initial consonant: ㅗ ㅜ ㅛ ㅠ ㅡ
    • example: 고
  • Both to the right and under initial consonant: ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅢ
    • example: 과

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English to Korean alphabet

Below is a table that will show you the English letters with their Korean approximations. This means they’re not the exact equivalent so there can be many other letters that work too. It depends on the situation.

The Korean alphabet is unique in its own unique sounds. These are just approximations that can help you as you begin learning Korean.

We are giving you the 80/20. If you really want to spell a word properly in Korean, you should use a Korean dictionary to find the right word.

A in Korean
B in Korean
C in Korean
D in Koreanㄷ, ㄸ
E in Koreanㅔ,ㅐ
F in Korean
G in Korean
H in Korean
I in Korean
J in Korean
K in Koreanㄱ, ㅋ
L in Korean
M in Korean
N in Korean
O in Koreanㅗ, ㅓ
P in Koreanㅂ, ㅍ
Q in Korean
R in Korean
S in Korean
T in Korean
U in Korean
V in Korean
W in Koreanㅝ, ㅟ
X in Korean
Y in Korean예, 얘
Z in Korean

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The Korean Language

Here are a few pieces of useful info about the Korean Alphabet and language. Often, in the process of learning the language, you’ll learn about the culture and vice versa, in this case, the Korean culture.

For example, many people may hear about Korean dramas or movies and watch a few they like. Then, they decide they want to understand the phrases, expressions, and dialogues better without subtitles.

Another advantage as you learn Hangul is that you also learn the correct Korean pronunciation. You’ll be able to pronounce Korean words like a native Korean speaker.

Hangul Writing System

Hangul (Korean alphabet) is the official writing system used in both North Korea and South Korea. Hangul is called 조선글 (joseongeul) in North Korea.

They also both use Korean as the official language, but the variations are a bit different. The northern version of the language tends to use more Chinese loan words, whereas the southern version has more English loan words.

Korean symbols

Sometimes, the Hangul letters may be referred to as symbols. However, it’s easier to think of them as characters or letters.

One common Korean symbol is the ₩ for the Korean won, which is the currency in South Korea.

Korean Speakers Worldwide

There are about 77 million Korean speakers worldwide. According to the National Institute of Korean Language, Korean is the 13th most widely used language.

There are many Korean speakers worldwide. Here is the breakdown country by country.

Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (9)

If you want to find native speakers to talk to in Korean, then here are the top countries with overseas Koreans:

1. United States6. Vietnam
2. China7. Russia
3. Japan8. Australia
4. Canada9. Kazakstan
5. Uzbekistan10. Philippines


If you know any Japanese or Chinese, then you might recognize some similarities in the languages. Japanese and Korean share some grammar structures, while some Korean words have Chinese roots.

한자 (hanja) is the Korean name for Chinese characters. Hanja is also used to refer to Chinese characters that have been borrowed and used in the formation of the Korean language and pronunciation.

Chinese Characters and Hangeul

When reading sentences and signs written with Hangeul (Korean alphabet), you may notice these mixed in with the words. This is common in newspapers and some signs in stores. You don’t need to learn Chinese characters to know Korean, but it can be helpful.

Some Korean learners have said that knowing characters in Chinese has made it easier to learn the language. That is because many words in Korean have roots in Chinese. You may want to supplement your Korean learning with some basic Chinese characters, but it’s not necessary.

Romanization of Korean Letters

Writing Korean in English letters is called “romanization.” Each letter in the Korean Alphabet has a corresponding letter or set of letters.

It’s not hard to learn, and it has some common practical uses. For example, you may need to write down an address or building name in Korea for someone who doesn’t know Hangul. In that case, you could write it in Romanized Hangul, which would be a good approximation.

There are some great tools that you can use for the Romanization of Hangul words.

In Korean language learning, we recommend learning Hangul as fast as possible. The Korean Alphabet will be far more precise compared to Romanization. It will greatly help your pronunciation and Korean language learning speed. You’ll be glad you did!

What to do next

If you reached this part of the post, you might already be able to read the Korean alphabet!

Ready to learn more about the Korean language? You can check our Inner Circle Courses next.

Just like how you learned the alphabet in a fun and easy way, these courses also provide you with a structure and roadmap in your learning journey. That will help you reach your goal of being able to speak in Korean.

You’ll be able to have a 3-minute basic conversation in Korean in the first 90 days. Join the thousands of Korean learners who have seen the results themselves.

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Korean Alphabet - Learn the Hangul Letters and Character Sounds (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.